This is the reason Anti Aging Vitamins are vital for your health: The Body needs a constant supply of vitamins and minerals to keep in shape and to be able to deliver optimum performance.
Keeping your body in good shape and well supplied with all nutrients is the first step to a healthier and happier life even after your 50th birthday!
Here are just a few findings that nutritional reserachers have published:
Protect yourself from diabetes and have fun doing so:
Dutch researchers report that older women may be able to protect themselves from developing type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes by drinking moderate amounts of alcohol. Drinking either excessively or not at all both lead to a higher probability of developing type 2 diabetes than that experienced by drinkers who consume between 5 and 30 grams of alcohol per week. (Thirty grams of alcohol is the equivalent of two to three drinks made with 80-proof liquor.)
Prevent Macular degenration with a vitamin rich diet
Astudy of more than 4,000 residents of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, found that diets rich in certain vitamins lowered the risk of contracting macular degeneration. This age-related eye condition, characterized by blurred central vision, is the leading cause of blindness among elderly people living in developed countries.
The recent study showed that diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables lowered the risk of developing macular degeneration by 35 percent.
Eat the right things to keep your brain in shape
How do you feel about the lunch you ate today? According to the Mental Health Foundation and Sustain, a group campaigning for better food and farming in the United Kingdom, the food we eat can affect brain function and structure.
The two groups say the natural balance of nutrients in food is being disrupted by modern production and processing methods. This imbalance is now being linked to depression as well as reduced memory and a lack of concentration ability. Contamination by pesticides and other toxic additives could also interfere with brain function.
Vitamin D deficiency is the major cause for many ailments
A new report has linked vitamin D deficiency to sixteen different cancers and several other diseases. Scientists now believe that vitamin D deficiency could contribute to thousands of cancer cases every year and that some people could cut their risk of cancer in half by increasing the amount of vitamin D in their diets.
One easy way to do this is to make sure you spend thirty minutes or more outside exposed to full sun (without sunscreen, which blocks vitamin D formation). Be careful not to get sunburned, however. In areas of the world with cold winter weather, though, the sun may not deliver enough ultraviolet rays for adequate vitamin D production during the winter, so supplementation is important during the winter months in these areas. In a recent metaanalysis (combined analysis of many studies), the threshold dose noted to decrease the risk of many common cancers was 1,000 IU daily.